Monday, May 18, 2009

sick and tired.

I'm so ready for school to be over that it pains me to get up and go every day. This week, I thought would be fine. I thought it would go by quickly, and that it would be all right because everyone would have loosened up and nobody will give me crap. Low and behold I was entirely incorrect. Like more than just entirely. I was in such a good mood all day. Honestly. A good mood. And then it was time for English. And, sure I may be a little on the inadequate side because I don't have my driver's license yet, but having one doesn't make you "cool". Seriously.

This morning, my sister (who is younger and drives) and I stopped at the convenience store to get something to drink. I saw my English teacher, Mrs. Johnson, there. She said hello, and I didn't think much of it... until class. Here's how it went.

"I saw that your sister chauffeurs you around now." - Mrs. Johnson.
"No, we just ride to school together." - Me.
"Yeah, but she drives." - Mrs. Johnson.
"And Sarah doesn't drive." - Student 1
"Why don't you drive? You're almost eighteen." - Student 2.
"Yeah, almost eighteen and doesn't have her license." - Student 3.
" You should really get your license." - Student 4.
"I wish you guys would stop making fun of me and be quiet, because you honestly don't know how much crap I get for not having my license yet. Seriously." - Me.
"I wasn't making fun of you." - Mrs. Johnson.
"I was!" - Student 2.
*students one through four continue to glare at me as I sit and tear up.*

These are the people who make high school hateworthy. "Oh, 'its the best time of your life'." It sure as hell isn't the best time of my life. God, why cant I be older? And the thing is, that in my English class, there were four other students without their licenses, but they picked on who? --- me. And the teacher just egged it on.
Not only was that terrible, but after I got home I discovered that my sister locked my cat in her bedroom, and what do you expect a cat to do when it has no litter box? She peed on her bed and crapped in her floor. I said it was her fault, and after about half an hour of yelling and arguing, I ended up cleaning it up, but definitely making sure to leave a little something behind... on her air vent.

Right now I'm installing The Sims 3. I'm going to go relax. Stress isn't good on the pores.

Later, everyone.


Anonymous said...

I hated high school too. High school is NOT the best time of your life. College is MUCH better.
And a good friend of mine is nearly 21 and still doesn't have her license. =]

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